3474 cryptocurrencies
Total Market Cap $1,085.84B
24h Total Volume $4.78B

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0.00000000 (0.00%)

Global Spy offers solutions to receive accurate, complete and quickly delivered information on the chosen company, key personnel of the company, initial coin offer, team members, currency etc. Global Spy services start from Quick Service all the way to large-scale investigations performed by the platform professional investigations team which may even include personal contacts, inquiries, and visits. Global Spy carries out investigations on any business activity by using access to different databases on multiple countries and research tools. The subject of the platform assessment is not limited to cryptocurrencies.

Market share 0.00%
Proof type
24h Open $0.0020
24h Low $0.0020
24h High $0.0020
Price in BTC 0.00000007457928 BTC
Current Supply 0 SPY
Total Supply 170,000,000 SPY
Market cap $0
24h Volume (coin) 0 SPY
24h Volume (currency) $0
24h Total volume (coin) 0 SPY
24h Total volume (currency) $0.00000000
Last updated 2023-05-22 12:51:46 +01:00 BST
ID Market Type Price Quantity Total
Date Price Volume

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